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  • The best healthcare systems in the world

    The quality, accessibility and cost of health services are at the heart of expatriates’ concerns when they consider moving abroad. Based on various health systems’ rankings as well as key performance indicators, Foyer Global Health provides you with useful data and an overview of the five best healthcare systems in the world. Rankings of world’s...

  • Expat Relationships: Navigating Love and Life Abroad

    The temptation to live outside one’s country is hard to resist. Every year, many people and families opt to be expatriates attracted by the prospect of adventure, professional growth or cultural enrichment among other things. In addition to providing a change of scenery, this jump into the future has the potential for transforming day-to-day living...

  • The best diets in the world

    Living abroad often makes people long for the food back home every now and then. Sometimes as much as a hint of a smell can bring you back home or make you belly rumble. It´s not only the food, but also the social aspect that are deeply rooted in our cultures and vary significantly amongst...

  • How to Get Healthcare Abroad: A Guide for Expats

    In today’s world, there is an increasing number of individuals who decide to live, work or retire abroad. Such enhanced mobility around the world has made it a burning question on how to manage health in another country. However, for expatriates, understanding the extent of coverage overseas under public health insurance can be very difficult...